
MainSys – its Practical Application in the Print Center of Kieler Nachrichten
In the spring of 2003 the new print center of Kieler Nachrichten was officially commissioned. Due to a new generation of equipment in all production departments and an increased production workload it was necessary for the maintenance department to organize its processes more efficiently. We saw it as necessary to optimize the preventive and corrective maintenance as well as the spare parts management and ordering using an adequate IT-system. The previous method of handwritten repair orders using carbon copies and a self made Access program for preventive maintenance as well as a manual ordering method had to be replaced by a professional system.
ADAM Kommunikation und Druck | Bruchsal & Rostock, Germany |
Advance Publication | Staten Island, NY, USA |
Bechtle Druck | Esslingen, Germany |
Bucks County Courier Times | PE, USA |
Carinthia Druck | Klagenfurt, Austria |